Alexa Rank
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Daily Time on Site
Bounce Rate
Search Traffic
Total Sites Linking In
Traffic Statistics
Audience Geography
Visitors by Country | Site Traffic |
United States |
77.9% |
Rankings by Country | Alexa Rank # |
United States |
70,769 |
Keyword Analysis
Top Keywords
Top Keywords | Search Traffic |
bank of america |
5.69% |
capital one |
4.13% |
chase |
3.03% |
pnc bank |
2.59% |
pnc |
1.62% |
Audience Report
Audience Overlap
Similar sites that share the same visitors and search keywords with this site.
Similar Sites | Alexa Rank |
78,214 | |
74,421 | |
1,641,363 | |
495,455 | |
212,736 |
Social Engagement
Websites | Total Articles | Engagement |
95 | 11 | |
11 | 2 | |
10 | 0 | |
8 | 1 |
Topic | Total Articles | Engagement |
financial product |
0 | 0 |
interest rates |
0 | 0 |
savings accounts |
2 | 1 |
Keyword Opportunities
Keyword Gaps
Keyword | Competitors Traffic |
Search Popularity |
wells fargo kerrville |
40 | 26 |
pnc bank east liberty |
38 | 12 |
pnc fox chapel |
37 | 9 |
pnc bank squirrel hill |
37 | 9 |
These keywords are driving traffic to competitors, but not to this site.
Easy-to-Rank Keywords
Keyword | Relevance to this site |
Search Popularity |
banks |
76 | 49 |
chamber of commerce |
10 | 48 |
zions bank |
69 | 50 |
bank of american fork |
65 | 34 |
These are popular keywords within this site's competitive power.
Buyer Keywords
Keyword | Competitors Traffic |
Organic Competition |
woodforest national bank east market street york pa |
44 | 29 |
first option bank |
35 | 45 |
reliance state bank online |
33 | 21 |
capital one journal square reviews |
33 | 31 |
These keywords show a high purchase intent.
Optimization Opportunities
Keyword | Search Popularity |
Organic Share of Voice |
revere bank |
30 | 1.23% |
sunstate fcu |
27 | 1.76% |
cornhusker bank |
28 | 1.48% |
beach municipal federal credit union |
23 | 3.52% |
These are very popular keywords that are already driving some traffic to this site.
Competitive Analysis
Websites | Search Traffic |
82.1% | |
73.5% | |
69% | |
54.5% | |
Website | Referral Sites |
456 | |
110 | |
82 | |
20 | |
13 |
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