Earth is the sole planet yet known for containing life of different types. This is the only planet that enjoys the diverse atmosphere with a natural shield of protection from the harmful rays and particles from outer space. While sitting on earth we think sky is above, well, we are also floating in this un limited universe and moving constantly to an unknown place. There are many facts and fiction that people happily relate with earth. Let us only concentrate on facts here.
1. Atmosphere
Earth is covered by the sheets or coats of different layers of atmosphere. The closest to earth is called the troposphere. It is only 10 miles away from land and responsible for the human lives. Other layers are mesosphere, ionosphere and exosphere.
2. Deserts
The common misconception is that deserts are all sand. Well the 85 percent of deserts are made up of rocks and gravels. The Sahara desert is world’s largest desert which is growing and will touch the continental America soon.
3. Earth is not round
Still, many of us think that earth is round. This is not the right shape of earth. It is actually a sphere with flattened poles.
4. The salt in oceans
70 percent of the earth is covered by oceans. The oceans contain salts. If all the oceans are dried up and we are left with the resulting salt, it will cover everything on earth with a five hundred foot of salt layer.
5: Caspian Sea
Caspian Sea is also called the inland sea; it is the largest lake of the world. It is located on the borders of Iran and Russia.
6. Mountains
Earth’s balance is because of the mountains we have on it. The longest mountain range is in America it is called Andes mountain range, Himalayans are considered as the largest but they take the third position. After every 980 feet climbing up, the temperature falls 3-1/2 degrees.
7: Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal is the world’s deepest lake. It is found in the former USSR. It is 400 miles long and 30 miles in width. But, over a mile, 5371 feet deep. All the world’s largest lakes can be emptied into it.
8. Earthquakes
Our earth needs to release the immense amount of energy it contains inside it. This is released in the form of earthquakes. Some of them are deadly, while also one million earthquakes have gone unregistered.
9. Hottest places
The Death Valley is considered to be the hottest place in the world with 134 degree F but Aziza in Libya is the place recorded for its highest temperature of 136 F back in 1922.
10. Dust
Not only from earth but we are showered with dust even from the space. Experts say that 1000 tones of death is showered every year on earth.