Text Summarizer

About Text Summarizer

What is Text Summarization?

Text summary is the process of condensing longer texts into more succinct and accurate words or paragraphs. The procedure both extracts important information and guarantees that the paragraph's meaning is preserved. This makes it easier to comprehend lengthy documents like research articles in less time without missing any important details.

Types of Text Summarization


In order to create a summary, the author takes important ideas and phrases from the original text and mixes them. This is simpler to accomplish, but it may miss the article's context or leave out some of the most important points. This kind of condensed text is useful for taking notes.


A summary based on the text's major concepts is produced via abstractive summarization, which takes into account the full text. This kind of summary is more accurate than extractive summaries since it takes into account all the key concepts and condenses them into a manageable text. However, creating such a summary can be challenging for AI technology and time-consuming for people.

What is Automatic Text Summarization

Humans are typically adept at distinguishing between what is significant and what is not. They can effectively summarise lengthy materials as a result. Machines, on the other hand, are blind to what is significant or not. Machines must be given the correct coding and routines in order for them to produce summary writings similarly to humans. Automatic text summarising is the term used to describe text summarization performed by software or machines. However, computerised text summarization is not without its difficulties. The first issue is choosing the right data from the primary document. The final summary must then be presented in a way that is reader-friendly. Automatic text summarization software aims to improve subject coverage and readability by overcoming these difficulties.

Pros and Cons of Text Summarization

To make information easier to understand, text summary has grown in popularity. Text summary does, however, have both benefits and drawbacks.

Easy to Understand

Text summary has the major benefit of making complex stuff simpler to understand.

Makes Information Easier to Find

The capacity to make information easy to find is another advantage of text summarization. Text summarising cuts down on the time spent sifting through lengthy papers or articles by use fewer words to express key information. The acronym TLDR, or too long didn't read, is commonly used to describe summaries intended to make material more easily understood.

Increases User Engagement

Text summary also has the power to boost user engagement, which is a last benefit. People prefer to read each component more quickly and generally read more when they read brief summaries as opposed to extensive ones. Higher levels of engagement result from this.

May Miss Relevant Information

Text summary has the potential to leave out important information. The summary generator could leave out important details the author intended the reader to see if the original piece of material was produced by someone else. The resulting summary might not be helpful as a result.

Cannot Always Tell the Important Points

The incapacity of text summary to identify the article's key points is another disadvantage. For instance, a reader would need to go back and read the complete article if they wanted to learn more about the specific examples that were provided.

Might Not Work Well With Long Articles

The inability to support lengthier documents is the last drawback of summary generators. Due to technology restrictions, machine learning algorithms haven't been able to provide accurate summaries for larger texts. This is always getting better, and some summarization tools can now provide excellent text summaries for texts up to 4000–5000 words.

Uses of Text Summarizer

Although the applications for this text summarizer are not limited, here are some of the typical ones:


Throughout their academic careers, students frequently need to locate a list of all of their assignments. They can use this tool to create the finest summary possible and to finish their projects on time. Additionally, the students use this application to prepare their presentations. In order to provide the greatest content for the presentation, the group of students often collects a lot of data.


When creating teaching materials, teachers typically conduct extensive research but must keep it concise. There is a danger that if they start making it manually, the accuracy will suffer and it will take a long time to write and then proofread it. The tool can be useful in this situation because it only takes a few seconds to produce a brief summary of the content.


In journalism, the professionals typically concentrate on creating headlines that can fully convey the story. Now, when they cover an event, they are unable to fully describe it in writing because doing so would take pages. However, they may quickly produce the summary text and submit it for publication using our summarizer. This will make it possible to summarise the entire incident in a few paragraphs.


The editors typically have a heavy load of reading and analysing the articles. To find the true idea of the story, readers can paste the lengthy stories into this online text summarizer.

Press Release

On electronic media, a story can be covered in a few seconds, yet the reporter often provides pages for each piece. However, this tool is typically used by the person who creates press releases to produce the press release that best matches their needs. In this manner, the entire narrative might be conveyed in a few lines while maintaining the same meaning.


The conclusion must typically be added at the end of the piece, whether the writer is writing for a blog or to sell guest contributions. For this, they can make user-friendly information that is only an overview and can be read fast using the summarizer tool.

Final Thoughts

Text summary has grown to be an important aspect of the lives of academics, students, and those who regularly read vast amounts of text. It's likely that, as technology and AI advance, automated text summarising will one day be just as accurate and understandable as hand text summary.