When nuclear reaction is controlled, nuclear power is generated. In USA, nuclear power contributes 20% of the electricity. Many citizens utilize it daily. During the control process of nuclear fission chain reaction the heat is generated which works like power. Neutron hit plutonium and uranium and reaction comes forward. Many environmentalists consider nuclear power a dubious issue. People should keep following points in their minds:
Fossil Fuels:
Fossil fuels and nuclear power is not interlinked. Nuclear plant generates little amount of carbon dioxide. On the other hand, natural gas and coal discharge large amount of gas.
Death rate:
In United States every year, many people die because of burning of coal but not due to radiation produced by power plant.
Radioactive Waste:
It is not easy to get rid off from radioactive waste. Experts are bound to bury it deep underground.
Nuclear Weapons:
Nuclear plants are meant to make weapons and energy is use to make weapons so it is risky process.
Low Cost Power:
Nuclear power plants provide low-cost, predictable power at stable prices and are essential in maintaining the reliability of the U.S. electric power system.