E=mc^2 was the most famous discovery of Einstein. With his discovery of energy- mass relationship many new inventions and discoveries took place. There are some natural reservoirs of energy and some were created by men by converting energy from one type to another. But with the passage of time, some natural reservoirs of energy are shrinking and this situation has created disputes in the world. Big economies are terrorizing and attacking those economies that have control over one or few of the natural energy resources. Below are given some facts about energy.
1. Energy Conservation Theory
The theory of the conservation of energy tells us a very interesting fact about energy. It says that the total amount of energy present in this world is same and energy changes its form from one type of energy to another with even losing a bit of its original quantity.
2. Energy Mass Theory
The discovery of energy mass theory opened the gates of new discoveries based on a simple fact that the mass if travels with the speed of light becomes energy. Similarly if we want to get mass from energy, we just have to slow down the energy by the speed of light.
3. Sun
Sun is the constant source of energy called the solar energy. The Einstein’s energy mass theory holds true in practical form on sun where helium changes to the light energy.
4. Natural Oil
Natural oil or the crude oil is one of the major bones of contention between the big and small countries because the oil reservoirs are shrinking with the passage of time.
5. Coal
Coal is another important natural reservoir of energy. There are many coal reservoirs some of them with high quality coal and some with low quality coal. It is said that when a coal piece remains buried in earth for more than hundred years, chemical reactions convert it into dimond.
6. The Electricity
The electricity is a form of energy that is gotten from either thermal sources or from water. Big dams have been constructed that need oil or coal to run the turbines.
7. Lightning Bolt
One lightning bolt contains as much energy in it that it can give light to 200,000 houses for one day.
8. Wind Energy
The planes with wide open areas that receive the good speed of air can produce good quality of energy through wind. The energy produced by wind is called wind energy.
9. Energy Used By Human Brain
Ever wonder how the brain that we have use energy and how much of it? The enrgy used by our brain daily can light one bulb of fridge this means that it is the most energy efficient machine ever seen by humans, and it’s created by GOD.
10. Electronics
There are many electronic devices that use energy even when they are turned off. Like tv uses energy even when it is turned off from the off button.