Almost all modern medical science tests are performed on animals first. These tests involve the cure against diseases, the cosmetic items are used on animals to check for any adverse affects, and if any of unwanted results appear, the animals are tested for them with other medicines and this process goes on. In this process, innocent animals die in great numbers. There have been passed many bills to protect the animals from this cruelty. But the poor animals suffer in the hidden laboratories where they die miserably. Many animals have been tested and tried for cloning and the shifting of life from one animal to the other and cross breeding. This is cruelty at its best.
1. Response to Drugs
When a new medicine is discovered it is preferably tested on animals first to see any adverse effects. In this process many animals die because the effect of medicines is many times different on animals than on humans.
2. Misleading Results
When animals are tested for any new advancement in medical science the positive results generated cannot be trust fully because animals are different than humans.
3. Successful Results
It was tested on animals first that what will be the impact of organ exchange and organ transplant. The animals were testes and they remained alive.
4. Stress
If the stress is considered to be meant for humans only than this point of view needs a change. Because it is natural for animals too, they can also feel fear and hence the experiments on them will be misleading.
5. Right To Live
Animals are also creature of GOD that live, breathe and feel pain, so their right to live is as much as humans have right to live on earth peacefully.
6. Science Is Curse
Science has proved to be cursed for poor animals in many matters because countless animals have been killed in countless experiments and the theories were proven absurd at a later time.
7. They Worthy Death
There are found many people who support this cruel act by saying that since many animals die daily for food, why cannot they die a death bearing purpose.
8. Murder
The death from the experiments can be called a murder because an innocent life dies for the sake of someone’s theory.
9. Laws
No matter how strict laws have been made the ratio of animal death has never changed.
10. Animal Used For Experiments
Most animals that are used for experiments are rabbits, rodents, fish, dogs, cats, monkeys, carnivore etc.