Yogurt is a hard form of milk product, which is made by “good” bacteria to milk, skim milk. Initially people had not idea about it neither it was prepared at home but now days its availability is not a big deal. Every store and supermarket has it on its shelves. It is quick, nutritious and delicious snack, which is available at any time. It adds the vitality. When bacteria is added into milk it transforms milk’s sugar, lactose into lactic acid. We find yogurt’s taste sour and look like pudding. People eat it in breakfast by mixing fruits or granola.
In the world of food, different variations of yogurt are available such as low fat protein. Moreover, by adding granola in it will give you fiber to satisfy your hunger until the next meal. Variations of yogurt available in market are full of artificial flavors and preservatives that diminish the true nutritional value required by your body.
Plain Yogurt Nutritional Value, Data, Information, Content, Label, List and Benefits
Measure 175ml
Weight 181g
Energy 114kcal
Energy 477kj
Protein 10g
Carbohydrate 13 g
Total Sugar 13g
Total Fat 3g
Saturated Fat 1.8g
Cholesterol 11mg
Calcium 332mg
Iron 0.1mg
Sodium 127mg
Potassium 424mg
Magnesium 31mg
Phosphorus 261mg
Vitamin A 25RAE
Vitamin D N/Amcg
Folate 20DFE
Vitamin B12 1.01mcg
Riboflavin 0.39mcg