Bulgur Nutrition Facts

Bulgur is a cereal made from different varieties of wheat. It also comes in the category of whole wheat. Only small bran is removed from it. It was cultivated even in ancient times and is used in making cuisine in Middle East. Preparation of it does not take long time. You can cook it in short time and include in menu as a side dish. A good thing about it is that it contains NO saturated fat and cholesterol. It holds germ and endosperm elements of grain kernel. Chances of heart disease may be less for those who take whole grains. In addition, problem of gallstones can be controlled by taking bulgur wheat. So have it in your diet in any form like bulgur.
It is full of fiber, protein, minerals and vitamin. Storage of bulgur is not a problem as it can be stored for many months. It is a perfect diet for diabetic patients as it is digested slowly and release the sugar slowly in the blood and keep blood pressure balanced.

Bulgur Nutritional Value, Data, Information, Content, Label, List and Benefits

Measure 125ml

Weight 96g

Energy 80kcal

Energy 334kj

Protein 3g

Carbohydrate 18g

Total Sugar tr g

Total Dietary  Fiber 2.7g

Total Fat tr g

Saturated Fat tr g

Cholesterol 0mg

Calcium 10mg

Iron 0.9mg

Sodium 5mg

Potassium 65mg

Magnesium 31 mg

Phosphorus 38 mg

Thiamin 0.1mg

Riboflavin 0.03 mg

Niacin 1.7NE

Folate 17DFE