There is no alarm for tsunami and earthquake. They can happen anywhere at any time and can cause any amount of damage. To date, tsunami and earthquake have caused the most damage in the world. The recent tsunami occurred in Japan has ruined the cities closed to sea. Tsunami causes the high walls of waves with high speeds and huge energy which when strike destroy any thing in their way. There are many other facts about tsunami which are listed below.
1. Series of waves
Tsunami is the series of huge waves of water caused by underwater earthquake, land slid or volcano eruption. But there is another reason too for tsunami and this is rare sometimes a giant meteor strikes the ocean causing the tension is ocean water.
2. Wave train
The series of waves in not limited to few waves but it’s the series of waves called wave train. These waves have great energy in them which can destroy any thing that comes their way.
3. Freight train
The sound of tsunami is not just the sound of water waves. Many witnesses said that they made huge noise. Their noise is like that of a freight train.
4. The speed of waves
The waves caused by tsunami are not only huge but also travel very fast at speed of 500 miles per hour. If the ocean is deep, these waves can travel at this sped with being noticed and can travel the whole sea in one day.
5. At the coast
The tsunami when reaches the shallow coastal area, slow down at the bottom but at the top they do not reduce their speed causing the sea waves to rise dramatically. The waves can take up the height of 100 meters.
6. The damage at land
The damage that waves cause at land is not small, the sea water can flood the land up to 1000 feet or 300 meters and they have enough force to lift buildings, vehicles and can demolish houses in no time.
7. The calculations
Scientists say that they can accurately estimate the arrival of tsunami and occurrence of earthquake by calculating the depth of sea and other factors. But it is also a fact that no natural disaster has to date been predicted or the loss is never estimated accurately.
8. The waves
The waves caused by tsunami are as high as 60 miles and they can be as much as 1 hour apart from each other. So the danger of tsunami lasts for long because these waves do not lose much energy even though they travel long distances to reach shores.
9. The 2004 tsunami
World witnessed a tsunami in 2004 which had as much energy as 23,000 atom bombs could have. By the end of the day, 150,000 people died with a total death toll of 283000. These waves stuck 11 countries and caused huge damage.
10. The small tsunamis
In last century, as many as 26 small tsunami occurred (excluding Japan tsunami) that killed as many as 200 people.