Coral reefs, the rain forests of the sea, are the most intricate and bio-diverse ecosystem of our planet. Stony corals or polyps are the organisms that make coral reefs underwater by means of secreting calcium carbonate. Moreover, these dense and hard structures are the homes of thousands of tiny marine animals as well as a source of few nutrients. Let’s see some more facts about Coral reefs.
1. Coral – Basic Unit of Coral Reefs
Corals, especially stony corals, or polypus are the tiny living organisms like jelly fish and sea anemones. They are soft-body organisms with hard base of lime stone skeleton that is known as calicle. These calicles of corals make underwater structures called Coral reefs that are a combination of many coral colonies.
2. Most Diverse Ecosystem
Coral reefs make the most diverse ecosystem of the globe due to various reasons. They not only give home to more than 25 % of all aquatic species like fish, worm, sponge etc, but also engage one tenth percent of one part of whole ocean surface.
3. Favorable water
The most favorable water for growth of coral reefs is of tropical nature with shallow depth. No doubt, coral reefs in cold deep waters also exist, but they are very small in numbers as compared to those coral reefs that are present in shallow waters.
4. Formation of Coral Reefs
A coral reef is formed, when a coral make its attachment with a sea mineral. After attachment, they divide their selves into smaller units and then re-unite to make a colony. The process of these colony formation remain continue and at the end, millions of colonies make coral reefs.
5. Largest Corel Reef
The world’s largest coral reef is Great Barrier Reef that is situated in Queensland the part of North East Australia. This coral reef is the combination of more than 3000 coral reefs and covers an area of more than 350,000 square kilometers.
6. The area with Maximum Coral Reefs
The area of Pacific Ocean is the region that is famous for maximum numbers of coral reefs than any other region all over the world.
7. First Coral Reef
It has been estimated by means of research that the formation of coral reefs is not a new process. It belongs to ancient era that is almost 500 million years ago.
8. Benefits of Coral Reefs for human Being
Coral reefs are also very beneficial for human being in terms of a major constituent in many medicines and food types.
9. Benefit of Coral Reef for nature
The role of coral reefs for nature is also not ignorable. They keep our coastlines safe from erosion.
10. Coral Reefs are in danger
Today, coral reefs are in great danger due to rapidly increasing water pollution. At present, more than 25 % of coral reefs has been destroyed and remaining are in alarming situation.