Geography means the study of earth, its atmosphere and its atmosphere. It is also used to find physical area of earth or between two or more points on earth. If someone wants to know about any particular area, its atmosphere, environment and people; he would must have to have some know how about geography of that area. Exactly that was the reason why scientists felt it necessary to introduce the study of “geography”. It has attributes of both social and natural sciences. The man who studies geography is known as “geographer”.
1. Origin
The word geography is derived from a Greek word “Geographia” which means “ to describe or write about earth”.
2. History
Babylon’s were the first who developed the first world map in 9th century BC. The first system of longitude and latitude was also derived from Babylon mathematics, so it can be said that the history of geography started from Babylon.
3. Types of geography
There are several types of geography. Two major types are human and physical geography. Human geography falls under the category of social sciences and physical geography falls under the category of natural sciences.
4. Additional Needs of studying geography
The study of geography is also needed for understanding the differences between regions and explaining the reasons of these differences and inequalities among regions and people.
5. Implications
The study of geography implies that geography is not a separate study of science but it is also related to other aspects of knowledgeable studies like resource management, forestry etc.
6. Basic geographical concept and features
The basic feature and concepts, that the study of geography covers are, residents of that region and their behavior, difference between different points and spaces, natural and physical resources etc.
7. Objectives
Here are two core objectives of geography i.e. material and formal. Material objective covers the interior of earth and formal objective covers the surface of earth.
8. Scope
The scope of geography is interrelated to human and natural aspects, because environment doesn’t only mean natural environment but also the man made environment.
9. Advantages
By studying geography, we can try to eliminate or reduce the inequalities among different regions and people. It studies the interrelation between man and environment and how environment can be made much better.
10. Most famous geographers
Greeks and roman are known to be the first geographers among them these names are most famous: Eratosthenes, Ptolemy, Humboldt, William Moris Devis etc.