‘Hunger’ is a commonly known feeling related to our stomach “a feeling of discomfort when you desperately want something to eat”. At least this is the definition that we all know, but actually the term named hunger is a much broader term than this definition.
1. Problem of hunger
For us the problem of hunger is only when we don’t find something to eat in our kitchen or refrigerator. As soon as we find something to eat our hunger diminishes or ends, but for more than 180 million people in the world the problem of hunger never ends.
2. Hunger and poverty
Hunger is closely related to poverty; here the term hunger is the ‘broader one’. Here the hunger means that you don’t even know that when you will get something to eat. Hunger will arise when you won’t have money or other assets to buy something to eat.
3. Discrimination
The problem of hunger and poverty are generally evoked due to discrimination in society where some people have extra to eat and others don’t even know whether they are going to have something to eat or not.
4. Malnutrition
One of the main reasons of hunger is malnutrition and famine. Malnutrition means a cause of disease due to some improper diet or food. Usually this problem exists due to eating some destroyed food or rotten food.
5. Famine
Famine is also a reason hunger and poverty also. Famine means the shortage of food due to weather conditions, like if it doesn’t rain you can’t grow food.
6. World facts
The report of world health organization says that about six hunger children die every year due to hunger. The countries like Somalia and some regions of Sahara desert are famous for famine and hunger.
7. Increasing hunger
Instead of a decreased number of people dying due to hunger, the number of such people is increasing every year. It is estimated that after the end of the year 2011 this number will reach to an alarming point where there would be no way back to home.
8. The role of NGOs
Today many national and international NGOs are working in different countries to fight against the hunger. These NGOs not only provide food to the people but also teach them the ways to grow there own food.
9. Role of educated people
It is not necessary that you have to visit those countries or arias to remove hunger from the earth; you can also play your part without any expenses. Internet is the best source for that. You can share your ideas to remove hunger or you can suggest ways to the poor people that how can they them self fill their stomachs without having money.
10. Developing vs developed countries
It is a common misperception that only in developing or less developed countries people die due to hunger. In developed countries also the problem of hunger is there as in the poor nations. The only difference is that number of such causalities is less in developed nations.