Ecstasy Facts

There are various kinds of drugs found in the world. They have different side effects on human health. Ecstasy is also a synthetic drug used widely that has diverse effects upon human health. Here are some facts about Ecstasy.

What is this?

It is also called MDMA. It is an illegal synthetic drug. It has a chemical structure similar to two other synthetic drugs, which cause brain damage. It is found in the form of drugs.


There are different age groups who use ecstasy, but middle-class adolescents mostly use it. Young adults usually use it. It is widely sold at nightclubs, underground bars and night parties.


It is normally used as energizing agent and distortion in time for physical experiences. It is also known for enhancement of enjoyment in physical activities. Its effect lasts for 3 to 4 hours as per use. It was introduced widely in colleges and bars as a energy booster pill.

Hazards of Ecstasy

It produces many problems as found in cocaine and amphetamine drug users. The hazards include depression, confusion, psychological problems, drug craving, sleeping problem, severe anxiety etc. it can also affect muscles, teeth and eye.


The 60 % of users of ecstasy repot withdraw symptoms, which includes loss of appetite, depressed feelings, fatigue and trouble in concentration.