HPV or Genital Human Papillomavirus is the viral disease which is caused by sexual relationships. Being having types and more than 100 viruses, HPV is treated as a complex disease. Here are some facts about HPV disease.
1. HPV- A Silent Killer
Usually the patients suffering from HPV do not feel severe pain or unhealthy condition, which become the causes of ignoring this disease. However, in severe cases or when not treated in-time, HPV could lead of cancer of the throat and genital organs.
2. Causes
Genital contact is the most common cause of HPV disease. Have had no clear symptoms at an earlier stage, people don’t realize that they are transferring this disease to their partner.
3. Symptoms
As indicated earlier, HPV is a silent killer and has no early symptoms. However, after some time, the people suffering from HPV can feel warts in their genital organs or throat.
4. Cancer
Many people suffering from HPV do not have any health related issues except warts which are curable. However, in some cases HPV patients can suffer with cancer like anal cancer, penile cancer and oropharynx cancer.
5. Treatment
In case of appearing warts on genital organs or throat, oral medicines and skin creams can cure the problem. However, in case of cancer, surgery and chemotherapy or radio therapy are the treatments.