There are different diseases and color blindness is one of them. Color blindness is also called as color vision deficiency. In this disease patient has inability or decreased ability to see color or they feel difficulty in seeing different color in normal lighting conditions. People are no really blind in this disease, but there is deficiency of color vision.
- Causes: There are many causes of color blindness. Mostly there are genetic reasons but it can also caused by the traumatic injury. Exposure to chemicals is another cause of color blindness.
- Types of color blindness: There are different types of color blindness. People suffering from one type, cannot differentiate between red and green. In another type, patients cannot distinguish between blue and yellow. In third type, patient cannot recognize any color at all.
- Dominant color blindness: red green color blindness is the most common type of color blindness. Nearly 99% of all people suffer from this kind of color blindness.
- Rare color blindness: Blue yellow color blindness is rare and out of 50,000 only one person is affected with this type of color blindness.
- Color blindness and sex: Color blindness is more common in male and less female population suffers from it.