Diabetes is a disease, which is chronic in nature. In this disease, high sugar levels are found in blood. High sugar levels are due to glucose, which we eat in our daily food. A hormone called ‘Insulin’ is responsible for helping glucose to get into cells to give them energy. There are two types of glucose, i.e. type 1 and type 2. In Type 1 diabetes, body does not produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is the common type of diabetes, in which body does not produce or use insulin properly. Without sufficient quantity of insulin, the glucose remains in blood and does not digest. Below are 10 facts about diabetes.
1. Silent Epidemic
Diabetes is such a disease, which is called as silent epidemic. According to WHO, there are 246 million people are suffering from it, around the world. This makes it almost 6% of the world’s adult population.
2. Causes
Both types of diabetes have different causes. In type 1 diabetes, body cannot produce insulin, while in type 2, body cannot use insulin in a proper way.
3. Future Prediction
Diabetes is a fatal disease and it is estimated that the number of patients will rise about 50% in next decade. It is common in rich countries.
4. Condition of Developing Countries
In developing countries, almost half of the population is suffering from diabetes. Delay in diagnosis and inadequate treatment are causing many complications. These factors are also leading to rapid increase in death rate.
5. Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes, which is also called as juvenile diabetes affects 70,000 young children, which are under 15 years, almost every year.
6. Type 2 Diabetes
Majority of diabetic patients belong to type 2, usually mature people suffer from this type. Type 2 affects the people in middle age.
7. Gestational Diabetes
Now a day, a third type of diabetes is also common, which is called gestational diabetes. In condition is hyperglycaemia, in which blood sugar raise. This diabetes is found in pregnant women.
8. Silent Killer
Diabetes kills silently, as in many people it is recognized at very late stage, when it becomes life threatening.
9. Affect of Diabetes
Beside other negative effects, in diabetes there is an increase risk of heart disease and stroke in diabetic patients. Additionally, it is one of the major causes of kidney failure.
10. Prevention
There is prevention for the diabetes. Physical exercise and healthy diet can reduce the chances of diabetes. Especially type 2, which is very common.