Climate refers to weather, atmosphere or environment. As we move from one area to another, climate changes either sharply or slightly. Climate changes involve many factors including the kind of place i.e. plain or hilly areas or shores etc. similarly, climate also changes due to many manmade factors. Continue reading 10 Climate Change Facts
Category: Nature Facts
10 Rain Forest Facts
Forests are the biggest source of rain in our world. They are not only the rain generators but also regulate the temperature of the world. With the presence of forests, the atmospheric pressure does not reach the alarming levels. It is also due to the woods that the wind does not blow above certain speed. Continue reading 10 Rain Forest Facts
10 Nile River Facts
River Nile is the world’s longest river and it flows in Africa. This river has its importance particularly for its connection to the important events in the past and also its name can be found in some religious scriptures too. Continue reading 10 Nile River Facts
10 Plants Facts
Plants are the green we need to survive. Without plants, there would be no life on earth, many may differ but the truth is that our environment and atmosphere totally dependent on plants to generate oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Continue reading 10 Plants Facts
10 Hurricane Facts
Hurricanes are the nature’s one of most deadly disasters. Hurricanes are formed with low pressure in the sea and due to hot atmosphere. There are many levels of hurricanes. Coastal areas often see the hurricanes but sometimes, wind and rain cross the limit and enter into dangerous ranks. Continue reading 10 Hurricane Facts
10 Tsunami Facts
There is no alarm for tsunami and earthquake. They can happen anywhere at any time and can cause any amount of damage. To date, tsunami and earthquake have caused the most damage in the world. The recent tsunami occurred in Japan has ruined the cities closed to sea. Continue reading 10 Tsunami Facts
10 Mount Everest Facts
To climb up the highest peaks has been the dream of people for long. Almost all of the highest points have seen human feet. Mount Everest is the world’s highest peak. It is situated in Nepal and Tibet border but the climbers choose Nepal to climb up the mountain. Continue reading 10 Mount Everest Facts
10 Rain forests Facts
Forests are one of the nature’s biggest gifts. As soon as their true value is revealing, we are losing them. The forests cutting became speedy after the industrialization because heavy number of trees was cut down to meet the demands. Rainforests are counted as a blessing because they generate much of the world’s oxygen. Continue reading 10 Rain forests Facts
10 Ocean Facts
Oceans make 71% per our earth. They are huge reservoirs of water. But the water they contain is not fit to drink. Oceans are the biggest habitat for the living creatures because they contain 90 percent of the living sea creatures. Continue reading 10 Ocean Facts
10 Desert Facts
Desert is said a wasteland or a land not fit to be used for cultivation or not fit to be lived in. but desert is one of the mysteries of the nature. They make the earth diverse in its outlook as well as with respect to the habitat. Continue reading 10 Desert Facts