It is believed that Tyrannosaurus Rex was the largest carnivorous dinosaur that was ever present on the earth. It is truly considered as the “King of Dinosaurs” due to its very large structure and fierce predator nature. Here are some more facts about Tyrannosaurus Rex.
1. Biological Description
Tyrannosaurus Rex belonged to class Reptilia, family Tyrannosauridae and order Saurischia. The genus of Tyrannosaurus Rex is coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur.
2. Structure
Among all other Tyrannosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex is the biggest land predator that had length 42 feet, height about 13 feet from hips and 4 feet long jaw. The average weight of Tyrannosaurus Rex was estimated about 6.8 metric tons.
3. Special Features
Both tail and mouth are included in the special features of Tyrannosaurus Rex. The skull of Tyrannosaurus Rex was 5 feet long and tail was about 18 feet long that was long and massive enough to balance its body weight.
4. Era
It is estimated that this largest omnivorous animal was present on earth about 65 million in the late Cretaceous period. Moreover, the location of Tyrannosaurus Rex is expected the forested valleys of North America.
5. Complete Fossil
On 12 August, 1990, the most complete skeleton of Tyrannosaurus Rex was found in South Dakota and was discovered by paleontologist Sue Hendrickson.