Rainforest offers a rich habitat to almost all creatures. It is home to the more than half animals of the world. You can find a great verity of creatures here, which range from tiny insects to large mammals. Here are some interesting facts about rainforest animals.
1. Animals
Rainforest support a great verity of animals, which include sloth, Spider monkey, Orangutan, Elephant, Gorilla, Tiger, jaguar, Chimpanzee and many more.
2. Biodiversity
A pond in rainforest has greater verity of fish than is found in the rivers of entire Europe. Similarly, a single rainforest reserve is home to more species of birds, than found in entire United States.
3. Layers of the forest
Rainforest can be divided into many layers and we can find animals, which live on particular layer of the forest.
4. Constant season
Rain forestĀ are found near the equator. They receive lot of rainfall and season remains the same, almost round the year. This is one of the reasons that a large number of animals live here, as many animals cannot cope with the changing seasons.
5. Threats to the animals.
The biggest threat to the biodiversity of the rainforests is habitat destruction. Increasing industrialization is playing havoc with these forests, as more and more land is acquired for human use. Clearing the forest is pushing many species in the hole of extinction.