Puppy mills are dog reproduction factories, where dogs are kept and reproduced. These dogs give birth to young puppies, which sold out on higher prices. Some of these puppy mills are legal, while many people are running them without any legal notice. Here we are describing some eye opening facts about Puppy mills.
- Space conditions: In puppy mills dogs are kept in very small cages, which are often over crowded. They don’t have enough space to roam about and live comfortably.
- Health conditions: Dogs are treated and kept without any health care. They don’t have adequate food and water, which leads to many serious health issues.
- Breeding: In puppy mills dogs are forced to reproduce litter after litter and they are kept in these mills until they are unable to produce any more.
- Laws: There are no laws for the protection of dogs, kept in puppy mills. If they are provided with food and shelter, no one care about the small space they are provided. Many of these puppy mills are not regulated and inspected by the regulatory authorities.
- Puppy age: according to law, puppy mills cannot sell puppies which are younger than 8 weeks. However, many puppy mills sell 6 week young puppies.