Moose is the member of deer family, which is present in temperate climates. This animal is known for its antlers, which distinguish it from other members of the group. Moose has long history of relationship with human, as they were used as food and for transportation purposes. Let’s discuss some important facts about moose.
1: Physical Appearance
Body length of moose is nearly 2.5 meters, while their weight is around 600 kg to 700 kg. Male moose weigh more as compared to female. Their life span is around 20 years.
2: Moose Antlers
Only male moose has antlers. After the first year of his age, a moose gets his first pair of antlers. They shed their antlers every year in autumn, which re grows in spring.
3: Food
Moose are herbivores and plants and fruits are included in their diet. They eat grasses, fresh shoots of trees and aquatic plants also. A moose can eat 32 kg of food in a single day.
4: Sodium Requirements
For the proper functioning of their body, moose need to have a fixed amount of sodium in their diet. That is the reason, in winters we can see them on roadside, where they come to lick the salt, used for melting the ice on roads.
5: Social Structure
Moose do not live in herds, rather they are solitary animals. Mothers have very strong relationship with their off springs. We can find them in group, in mating season only.