Penguins are aquatic birds, which are flightless. They live in southern hemisphere, particularly Antarctica is considered as their home. These birds have adapted to live in water, as their wings have taken the shape of flippers. They can swim under water and can survive severity of low temperature. There are many species of penguins; here we are mentioning some interesting facts about King Penguin.
1: Physical Appearance
King penguin is the second largest species of penguins. Their weight is around 15kg and height is around 3 feet. King penguin has orange patches near ears, which looks like tear drop shape.
2: Distribution
They live on sub Antarctic islands; major colonies are spotted on Crozet, Prince Edward Island, Heard island etc. Biggest colony of King Penguins is found on Georgia Island.
3: Population
As king Penguin lives in a particular area, so the population is not very large. According to an estimate the total population of this penguin specie is around 2 to 3 million breeding pairs.
4: Breeding Season
Breeding season of king penguin is bit complex; it starts either in November or in January. A pair raises two chicks in 3 years.
5: Socialization
Unlike other penguin species King Penguin are very social. They do not build a nest; rather keep their eggs safe in the warmth of their body.