Honey Bee is the only member of bee family that is directly beneficial for human beings in terms of producing a highly healthy and useful food product called honey. It is different from other bees in many respects like habitation, appearance, habits and serving the mankind. Here are some facts about Honey Bees.
1. Scientific Description
The scientific name of Honey Bee is Apis mellifera and it is the only surving member of tribe “Apini” and make the genus “Apis”. Today, the numbers of knows species of Honey Bee are seven and the numbers of subspecies are 44.
2. Eyes
Honey Bees are interesting with respect to numbers of eyes that are of tow types; Compound and common. The compound eyes are two that are equipped with hundreds of lenses and one on each side of head. However, the 3 common eyes are located over the head.
3. Appearance
The Honey Bees are equipped with six legs, 2 wings pairs, 3 common eyes, 2 compound eyes, a stomach and a nector pouch.
4. Flying Power
The flying power of a Honey Bee is 15 miles per hour thanks to its highly amazing wing’s strokes that is 200 times per second. In one flight, a Honey Bee can cover the distance of more than 6 miles.
5. Honey production
The honey production of a single Honey Bee is almost 1/12th of a tea spoon in its whole life. However, normally, a colony of Honey Bees generates more than 60 pounds honey per season.