Coyote is also called as American jackal. They belong to caridae family and their genus is canis. They look like wolfs. They normally mistaken for small to medium size domestic dogs. They normally compare to Australian dessert dingo. Here are some facts about coyote.
Identifying Features
The color of coyote varies from yellowish grey to grayish-brown on their upper body parts. Their long black-tipped tail and pointed ears with narrow face are the distinguishing features. They usually have white fur. They are 25 inches tall and 4 feet in length. They weigh 15-25 pounds.
Coyote can be found throughout North and Central America. They range from Panama in south, north through Mexico, United States and Canada.
Coyotes are well known about their way of habitation. They may even be found around big cities. They can habitat in different places including deserts, grasslands and foothills.
Coyotes are omnivores. Their diet varies with season. They eat rabbits, birds, snakes, lizards, voles, small mammals etc. They also eat domestic dogs and cats, because they are not picky eaters.
Coyote normally travel and hunt in groups. Coyote packs are small then wolf packs and their mutual association is unstable. Their social behavior is similar to dingo. They are primarily nocturnal. Coyote sing to communicate with their other coyote families.