Clownfish is famous all over the world, for its innocent looks. It is a tropical fish and found in Great Barrier Reef, particularly. There are more than twenty seven species of this fish, out which tomato clownfish is the most famous. Here, we are mentioning some important facts about this fish.
1: Name
Clownfish is called clown due to its bouncing movements and vibrant colors. It is found in orange and white colors commonly, but white and black are also look beautiful.
2: A social creature
Clown fish lives in small groups and one can find them near sea anemones. Actually, they live in mutual relationship with sea anemones. Clown fish eats the leftover of sea anemones and in return sea anemones protect them against dangerous animals.
3: Reproduction
Unlike other fish, Clown fish is not mammals, rather they lay eggs. They lay thousands of eggs at one time and male fish protect them. Interestingly, eggs are laid during the full moon only.
4: Gender
The most interesting fact about clown fish is the change of gender. All clown fish are born males, but as soon as a female fish dies, the most dominant clown fish changes itself into female.
5: Habitat
It is fish of warm water and mainly found in Indian and pacific oceans. Coral reef in warm water are real home of clown fish. They are not pure vegetarians, rather they are omnivores.