Amphibians are a group of vertebrate animals that comprises caecilians, toads, frogs, salamander and newts. There are many amazing facts about amphibians that can be categorized in accordance to their structure, habits and behavior. Here are some facts about amphibians.
1. Scientific Description
Amphibians belong to phylum Chordata and class Amphibia. They are divided into three orders named as; Anura, Caudata and Gymnophiona.
2. Groups and Species
Amphibians are categorized into three major groups that are known as 1: Frogs and Toads. 2: Newts and Salamanders. 3: Caecilians. On the whole, there are more than 6000 species of amphibians.
3. Frogs and Toads
Frogs are toads make the largest group among other groups of amphibians. The number of species belong to this group are more than 4380. Moreover, these animals have no tails in contrast to other two groups.
4. Newts and Salamanders
With four legs and long tails, both newts and salamanders are carnivorous and slim body animals. There are more than 470 species of Newts and salamanders.
5. Caecilians
Caecilians are snake-shaped limbless amphibians. They are least-known animals among all other amphibians e.g. their diet is still not very clear. Some species of caecilians lay eggs, while some give birth to young.