Zebras are stripped skin animals. They are found in African jungles more than any other part of the world. We know about them in our child hood and can identify them easily among other mammals. Zebras are also famous because on their name a crossing on the roads is painted, it is called zebra crossing. Zebras are like horses but they do not have other qualities which horses have except their appearance. Next lines will highlight more facts about zebras.
1. Genus Equus
Zebras belong to genus equus along with asses and horses. Zebras have three species. Burchell’s zebras, Grevy’s zebras and mountain zebras.
2. Not the Only Striped Animals
It is widely believed throughout the world that zebras are the only animals that have stripes. But there are other animals too in the genus equus that have stripes, for example the African wild asses have stripes on their lower body. But zebras have the most and they are no doubt very distinctive.
3. The British Explorer William Burchell
The burchell specie of zebra is named after the British William burchell who spent five years in African wild and collected various specimens of animals and plants.
4. The Grevy’s Zebra
The Grevy’s zebra is named after the French president gravy. In 1882, the Abyssinian president sent a zebra as a gift to the then French president. The animal arrived but died; it was later stuffed and put in national museum.
5. Strips Are Unique To Every Zebra
The interesting thing about zebras is that the stripes on their body are unique to every zebra just like every human being has unique finger prints.
6. Skilled Climbers
The mountain zebras of South Africa and Namibia are skilled climbers. 2000 meters above sea level, they know how to climb to elevations.
7. The Distinguishing Features Of Zebra Species
Zebra species can be distinguished from each other with few key features that are visible. One species of zebras have white belly, which other do not have. Some of them have striped neck which makes their identity.
8. Adult Male Zebras
The adult male zebras are the best guards for their families. It is said that these zebras ward off predators by kicking and biting them. Their one kick can kill the predator.
9. Cross Breed
One well known cross breed of zebra is zebdonk. This animal is also called zonkey, zebras and zorse.
10. Sub Species Of Burchell Zebras
Burchell zebra has two subspecies namely the grant’s zebra and chapman’s zebra.