There are which are many animals and plants which are produced by the nature to enhance the beauty of the planet earth as well as to balance the Eco-system and make the survival of the organisms on this planet possible. There are organisms which live on land while some of the organisms live in water. Each organism has its specific type of habitat in which it grows best and is suitable for their survival. The organisms which live in water are called aquatic organisms and water is essential for them for survival. They cannot live without water. Starfish is one of these aquatic organisms and here are few facts about them.
1. Classification
The starfish are placed in the kingdom Animalia and are the member of the class Asteroidea.
2. Beauty
The star fishes are beautiful animals and they are also kept in the pools as a ornamental pets. These are available in different charming colors and are quite attractive.
3. Not Fishes
Star fishes live in water but they are not fishes. They have no gills and they do not use tail to move instead they have tube feet which helps them to move in water.
4. Echinoderms
Star fishes belong to the phylum echinoderms. All the members belonging to this phylum has their body divided into five parts which are connected with a central disc like body and complete its body.
5. Species
There are many types of star fishes just like other organisms. It is estimated that there are more than two thousand species of star fishes which are distributed according to their habitat.
6. Regeneration
Every organism is blessed with some special quality. Sea stars have amazing regeneration power and they can heal very fast and can regenerate their arm if it is cut down.
7. Armor
The upper surface of the star fishes have tough leathery covering which work as the protective cover and protects it against several attacks by the predators and guard it against other dangers.
8. Bloodless
Star fishes are the organisms which do not have blood in their body. The blood is replaced by the water vascular system and water is used in place of blood.
9. Eyes
Star fish are also blessed with the blessings of eyes although they cannot see clearly but can sense the light and dark. There are eyes present at the end of each arm.
10. Unusual Stomach
The star fishes have stomach on their lower side. They have the mouth on the lower side and anus on the upper side of the body.