There are some animals, which live in water as well as on earth. Turtles are one of them. They lay eggs on earth but by the time, their babies come out of eggs, they run towards water. Turtle moves slow and they can live for long. There are many things commonly known but many are not known to many people. Below are given few facts about turtles.
1. Eggs
Turtles lay as much as two hundred eggs at one time. They burry their eggs in some lone place beside sea shore and left them to hatch.
2: Higher temperature needed for eggs
The turtle’s eggs need as much as 55 degree Fahrenheit of temperature to hatch. Below this temperature, baby turtle will die inside the egg.
3. Too few survive after birth
Sea waters are dangerous for the young, newly born turtles. Only 5 out of 200 baby turtles survive the dangers of the sea water. As soon as they are born, their predators know and they eat them up. This is why so many eggs are laid
4. Born swimmer
The sea turtles are born swimmers. As described already, they are born with the ability to swim and to move towards the water as soon as they come out of their egg shells.
5. Green sea turtles
These turtles breathe like humans i.e. they breathe through their lungs. They are carnivores; they eat fish, birds etc. they have a flipper along with four legs which helps them in swimming.
6. General characteristics
The average size of sea turtles is 28 inches while their average weight is 1500 pounds. They have the best sense of smell better then even a dog. Their ear drum lays behind their eyes, flat. The sea turtles are color blind.
7. Leather black sea turtle
The leather black sea turtle have that color due to heavy red blood cell concentration. Unlike other turtles, they do not have scales instead, they have rubbery fibers.
8. Where they are found
They are found in warm temperature sea waters. They like the cold brackish water s. they like to live in shallow, coastal waters, bays and lagoons. From November to March they burry themselves underwater, sand and mud. After that they sleep. Loggerhead sea turtles are found in southern America and are found in shipwrecked places.
9. Travelling
Sea turtles travel up to 1300 miles a day. The loggerhead sea turtles are known to be the longest travelers among other.
10. Killed
The green sea turtles are killed because of their beautiful skin. In 1042 , over 92000 turtle nests were found , from that day to date, these nests are going down in their count.