The family and order of crocodile is Crocodylidae and Crododilia respectively. Crocodile is not only a most dreadful animal among all other reptiles, but also present on the earth in 23 different species. The smallest specie of crocodile is called “Dwarf Crocodile” while the biggest one is known as “Saltwater crocodile”. It has been recorded that the average of crocodile varies in a great extent depends upon the speice and environment in which the live. Usually, this age limit is about 50-60 years, but it can be up to 130 years. To know more about crocodiles, here are some facts.
1. Origin of Crocodile
It is hard to find the exact date of crocodile origin. However, it has been estimated that crocodiles are present on the earth since 240 million years ago. Remember! This time is exactly like the time of dinosaur origin.
2. Bite Force
Crocodile is one of only a few animals that are famous for their bite power. A crocodile can bite anything with a force equal to 5000 lb per sq. inch or even more.
3. Largest Crocodile Specie
Saltwater Crocodile is considered as the largest specie of crocodile all over the world. the length of this crocodile can be up to 23 feet with average weight more than one ton. It is found in North Australia, India and Fiji.
4. Smallest Crocodile Specie
Dwarf crocodile is definitely thought as the smallest specie of crocodile with an average length of 6.5 feet. We can see this specie abundantly in Central Africa.
5. Gender of Crocodile
The criteria to determine the gender of a crocodile is just its body temperature. Normally, the body temperature of a male crocodile is found as 31.6 degree centigrade in contrast to female crocodile, whose body temperature varies from this value either in upper limit or lower limit
6. Meaning of Mouth Open
Usually people think that the meaning of open mouth crocodile is that, it is in aggressive mood. This concept is not true at all. Crocodiles do this act jut to cool off and they usually do so on the banks of rivers.
7. Number of teeth
The teeth of every crocodile remain not same through the whole life, but replaced time to time during the whole life. Both jaws of all crocodiles contain 24 teeth individually and these teeth are not for chewing, but for crushing and grasping.
8. Use of Tail
The amazing fact about crocodiles is that, they use their powerful tail for swimming purpose and can swim with the speed of 40 km per hour.
9. Heart of Crocodile
The heart of a crocodile is also a mystery. In actual, the heart of a crocodile is four chambered, but it act as a three-chambered heart, while swimming.
10. Under-water Ability
Crocodiles are not only weird in terms of features, but also in terms of habits as well. they have ability to prey under water just like as they do on earth.