Cats fall in the category of world’s most favorite pets. They are cute, friendly and faithful. Kids are especially fan of cats. People up bring small kitten as if they are their own kids. They have special meals to eat, special places to sleep and even special dresses, if they belong to a girl. But cats are also, sometimes called as witches. So they also make a good part of gothic tales. Many times, cats are shown as spirits wandering here and there. Whatever the case may be, cats have attained their importance in all these years.
1: Ailurophilia
Ailurophilia is the psychological condition of a person. It occurs when someone likes to have cats or when the love for cats crosses the normal boundaries.
2. Breathe
Cat is a small animal so it needs a different proportion of blood to be pumped and the blood pressure to be maintained. Cat normally breathes 20 to 40 times a minute.
3. Maintaining balance
We humans maintain our balance with our feet. But cats are tailed animals they need their tail to maintain their balance. Therefore the tail is not just an extra extension of backbone.
4. Taste
The primary meal of cat consists of milk, some grains and meat. Also they eat bread when hungry. They are unable to taste sweet because their tongue does not have those taste buds.
5. Number of bones
Cats have more bones than humans. Humans have 206 bones including ribs. But cats have 230 bones. These extra bones are the bones in the tail of cats.
6. Cat’s hair
They have hair on their skin, some have long hair and some have short depending on the species they belong to. When they are frightened the hair at the tail and spin stand up and we can see them. When these hair stand up It means cat is ready to attack or extremely horrified to see something.
7. Their jaws
The only directions in which cats can move their jaws are up and down. They cannot move their jaws in other directions like dogs or other animals.
8. Sensitive hearing
Cats can hear well than humans, even better than their enemies, the dogs. They can hear six times better than humans.
9. Eye color
At the time of the birth a kitten can have green eye color but as it grows its eye color changes.
10. Super natural
It is said that cats can see the super natural beings and activities going on around us. Many people reject it while many others have reported many incidents in which their cats saved them from accidents or their cats indicated someone’s presence in the house.