Birds are the sixth group of animals. They are known for their ability to fly. No other living being then birds and few insects can fly as their natural ability. But not all birds have this ability, some birds, like penguin, ostrich etc are the species of birds because of their build like birds but they cannot fly. Birds know some of the best aerobatics. Humming bird can stay still in the air, eagles can attack on their prey pin point by coming down at great speeds from height. Some more facts about birds are given below.
1. Groups
Birds belong to sixth group of animals and there are further 30 groups of birds. These groups are not subgroups but contain 30 different natures of birds.
2. 9865 species
There are total 9865 species of birds alive today. According to experts, after year 1500, 133 species vanish from earth and there may be more about which we do not know. 1227 species are threatened with extinction and there are 4 species that have gone extinct from wild and only few of them are surviving in captivity.
3. Earliest known bird
The earliest known bird lived in Jurassic period 150 million years ago. The archaeopteryx is the first known bird. Its first fossil was found in 1861 and kept in London. It did not have basic features of flight so experts are uncertain about its flight.
4. Evolutionists
The supporters of evolution theory are still confused about the evolution of birds. They are uncertain about the origin of the birds. They believe that birds evolved from a dinosaur named theropods but not all the characteristics of both are similar.
5. Feathers
Feathers are the uniqueness of the birds. No other living being has feathers. The main function of feathers is to help birds fly. The other functions are waterproofing, protection from UV rays and protection from other harmful elements.
6. Not only birds can fly
Other than birds, only one mammal can fly, the bats and insects too can fly but not same as birds.
7. Laying eggs
All birds produce by laying eggs. Their eggs vary in size, too big birds lay big sized eggs while small birds lay small sized eggs. Similarly their nests and the new born are also different in size shape and nature.
8. Seasonal migration
There are many species of the birds that migrate to great distances from the wintering ground. Many species follow similar routes to migrate. These routes are called flyways.
9. Birds do not have teeth
Birds do not have teeth but instead they have bills. These bills are according to the food intake of birds.
10. Ostrich
The largest of all birds is ostrich. Its body has long legs, small head and a heavy body. they are able to run at 45 miles half an hour.