There are many animals and insects which are made to balance the eco-system of planet earth. There are many kinds of animals some are large while others are small. They have their own habitat and have their specific living style. Everybody has his own specialty and space. There are insects which are so small that they cannot be seen with naked eye while there are others which are also insects which are larger than the others. Here we are going to discuss few facts about the insect that is very common but also small in size and is very commonly seen. We are going to discuss lady bug today and some interesting facts about lady bug.
1. Classification
Lady bug is placed in the kingdom Animalia and phylum Arthropod and in the class of insects. Its scientific name is Convergens.
2. Beetles
In converse with the name the ladybugs are not bugs beetles. They belong to a class of beetles which is named Coleoptera. Thus it is a misconception that ladybugs are bugs.
3. Bright Colors
The ladybugs are usually of bright and shocking colors and are very attractive due to these colors. The main function of these colors is that they keep predators away from ladybugs and scare them.
4. Alligator-Like
Lady bugs resemble too much with alligators. They have same elongated body and bumpy skin as alligators and their larvae looks like a miniature alligator.
5. Knee Bleeding
Every organism has natural defenses to save his life similarly lady bug leaves a smelly liquid from its joints when it is scared or attacked by anyone and it’s also toxic.
6. Diet
Ladybugs eat a lot more than its size. It is estimated that during its life time a lady bug can eat five thousand aphides. It also likes to feed on flies and other small insects.
7. Cannibalism
If the food become scarce and ladybugs run out of food then they can also eat their own larvae and newly mature adults which are soft enough to chew and even can attack each other.
8. Back Spots
There is a wrong that we can calculate age of lady bug by counting the spots on the back of the ladybug. It is not at all true however species can be determined sometimes.
9. Hibernation
There is a fact that ladybug adults also hibernate during their life spawn. They gather in form a group and find a place where they feel themselves protected.
10. Gardner’s Friend
Ladybug is also known as gardener’s friend as It eats away the insects and other harmful objects which are danger to the growth of plants and harass it.