There are many animals present on the face of earth. These animals live in jungles, some in water while other prefers to live in homes. These animals are creation of Allah. Some of them are beneficial for human beings and human get advantages from the. Some animals are source of milk while other provides leather. Some animals are also use for transport purposes. Some animals are not beneficial for humans. They are instead fatal for the survival of human beings but yet they are necessary to keep the balance in the eco-system. There are some animals which are like human in their structure and mode of living. One of such an animal is gorilla. It is just like a monkey but bigger in size. Here are few interesting facts about the gorillas and their mode of living.
1. Classification
The scientific name of the organism is Gorilla. It is a mammal and is and is a member of phylum chordata and placed in the kingdom Animalia.
2. Shape
It is a Land dwelling animal. It has two arms and two legs. It uses its arm to walk and to climb trees. They are mostly of black colors with round bulging eyes.
3. Food
The food of Gorillas mainly consists of leaves, stems and shoots. Fruits are also eaten by them Bamboo is one of their favorite cuisines.
4. Habitat
Gorillas are mostly found in the dense forests of the Central Africa. Some gorillas are also found in mountain ranges but they prefer in plain areas.
5. Similarity with Humans
A very interesting fact about gorilla is that they are quite similar in their mode of life to humans. They have similar habits and structure. Every gorilla has unique finger print just like humans.
6. Social Structure
Gorillas tend to live in a specific social structure just like humans. The group of gorillas consists of a male and multiple females and this group is called a troop.
7. Nesting
It is also found that Gorillas make nest for day and night timings. Night nests are larger in size and are more comfortable than the day nests.
8. Reproduction
Like all other mammals gorillas reproduce sexually and the gestation period is eight and a half months. Female gorilla take care of the young one by the help of the silver back, leader of the troop.
9. Intelligence
Gorillas are considered to be highly intelligent. They can think about the past and future. They form strong emotional social bonds and can make and use tools.
10. Largest primates
Gorillas are the largest primates present on planet earth. They are sic to 7 feet tall and with a weight of three to four hundred pounds. Females are half the size of male.