There are many animals and plants which have been created to live on this earth. Each animal and plant has its own characteristic. They have their own habitat and environment where they grow and develop best. Sometime the condition of earth dramatically changes which leads to extinction of these animals. All animals are creation of God. Some are beautiful while some are not as much prettier as others are. Especially birds are quite beautiful and one of these beautiful birds is emperor penguin. Here are few facts about the emperor penguins which tell us interesting facts about them. These facts will enable us to study them in a better way and to understand that how these penguins are surviving in the harsh climate of the Antarctic.
1. Classification
The emperor penguins are included in class Aves with all other birds. Their order is Sphenisciformes and belongs to family Spheniscdea.
2. Largest Penguins
There are seventeen knows kinds of penguins which are recognized by scientists. Emperor penguins are the largest penguins among them.
3. Habitat
Every animal has a natural habitat which suits it best. Emperor penguins are found in Antarctica. Emperor Penguins are found nowhere else in the world except Antarctica.
4. Shape
Emperor Penguins are the largest. They have a black head, chin and throat. There are yellow patches around throat and neck. Eyes are brown. Their white and black color gives them a look like they are wearing a coat.
5. Height and Weight
The height of world’s largest penguin is more than forty inches. They weigh around seventy pound.
6. Food
Food is essential for the survival of an organism. The food of Emperor Penguins consists of fishes, crabs and shrimps.
7. Function of Wings
Emperor Penguins have small wings but they cannot fly. They use their wings for diving and swimming in the water. These wings help to swim.
8. Weather conditions
Emperor penguins are the only penguins which bear the hard and unbearable temperature and weather condition of the Antarctic.
9. Reproduction
Emperor Penguins lay eggs and the male Penguins protect it. While protecting its eggs he doesn’t eat. Female penguin lays one egg which is kept warm by the male penguin.
10. Life Span
Life Span of the Emperor penguins is in between fifteen to twenty years. They can live around twenty odd years and after it they die. It is the average age of an Emperor Penguin.