It is a reality that sometimes we have to face some unexpected things happened to us or our loved ones and the sad side of this fact is that in few stages of life we can’t get out of that trouble. Well this is what life is all about. An example of this fact can be the diseases that live in the same world as we are living in. Though science and technology has advanced very much and there is cure of many diseases now, but still there are some ills that are incurable. Autism is also a brain related disease. Different doctors in world are working on this disease so we hope that they invent a final cure for this disease.
1. Nature of disease
This is a developmental disorder that appear in first 2 or 3 of a person’s life and it damages the brain in such a way that they person’s brain is unable to have the normal social and communicational skills.
2. Causes
The most important cause or factors of this disease are genetic factors. This disease is commonly observed in twins. Reason of autism can be the less flow of blood toward the brain of the child in the pre-birth period. Improper diet of mother can also cause this disease.
3. Symptoms
The autistic child can have the speaking problem. The early years of life when the child is learning to speak are extremely important for a child’s whole life but the victims of autism can’t speak properly and they are unable to walk in right age.
4. Statistics
The exact number of the children who are victim of autism is not known but yes it is known that this number is not small. A report by CDC shows that the actual number of children affect by autism is much more than one can think.
5. Does gender plays a part?
Yes indeed! Gender plays also a major part in this disease. The report of CDC shows that in boys autism is 3 or 4 time more than the girls.
6. Nature of the affected person
In many case the autistic child doesn’t like to make friends and doesn’t communicate with others freely. He doesn’t like to play interactive games and usually shows a lack of empathy.
7. Reactions of the affected person/child
The autistic person can’t tolerate loud voices event he is disturbed by the normal voices. Surprisingly such people do not or very less respond to pain.
8. Behavior of an autistic
The autistic person shows abnormal behaviors in life, like he acts up or responds with intense tantrums, he has very narrow interests, his attention span is very short and he overreacts.
9. Signs of autism
The child who is affected by autism can be identified or tested by some test like, at the age of one year he can’t recognize the waving of hands saying bye bye, at the age of 16 months he can’t speak or remember a single word etc.
10. Cure and treatment
Such patients can be treated by using several tests like, Applied behavior analysis, occupational therapy, different medications and physical and language therapy.