Electricity is a flow of electric charge that is a form of potential energy. The coulomb forces present between the charged particles are the cause behind generation of electricity. However, the value of potential energy in this case is taken as zero. Here are some cool facts about electricity.
1. Speed of Electricity
Speed of electricity is still considered as the fastest speed of anything in this globe. In fact, speed of electricity or light is taken as 186,000 miles per second.
2. Invention of Battery
Alessandro Volta was the man behind discovery of battery. He introduced that when connect two metal strips made up of different material in the sulphuric acid solution, this becomes battery that is the source of electricity generation.
3. Property of Electricity
As we all know that electricity is itself non-renewable form of energy. However, the energy sources used for generation of electricity are renewable as well.
4. Sources of Electricity Generation
There are many forms of energy resources that we use to make the electricity. Among these resources, the most common are water, wind, animal manure and sun.
5. First Bulb
Thomas Edison was the man, who enlightened the whole world. He invented the first glowing light bulb in 1879.
6. Relationship of Magnetism and Electricity
The purpose of a generator is obviously, generation of electricity. However, the mechanism behind generation of electricity is conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy.
7. Intermediate Form of Energy
Being having several sources of generation like hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power stations and thermal power stations, electric energy is considered as an intermediate form of energy. Other sources of generating electric energy in smaller amount are like solar panels, wind and sea tides.
8. Historical Work of Franklin
Benjamin Franklin did a historical work of proving lightning a form of electricity with similar properties. He proved this by doing a simple experiment of flying a kite in thunderstorm. He tied a key with this kite and proved an interesting fact that lightning and static electricity are not different from each other at all.
9. First Use of Electricity
No doubt, we are using electricity in present age for various purposes. However, the first use of electricity was only for lighting and also for domestic purpose nothing else.
10. Bio-Electricity
The natural use of electricity in human body was discovered by Luigi Galvani in 1791. He claimed that the medium used by nerve cells to pass signals from the muscles is also electricity.