Known as the fierce animals that are also main evil characters of many tales, the alligators are not what we commonly know about them. It is said that they live for hundreds of years which is wrong. It is also said that no matter how much the snake is poisonous, it cannot hurt alligators in the least, which is also a story cooked to satisfy the thirst of day dreamers. Another myth associated with alligators is that they can grow to enormous lengths. There are several other stories associated with alligators but they are all wrong and cooked up. What alligators actually are is given below.
1. Age
The most common misconception about alligators is that they live for hundreds of years. The total age of alligators in wild is 35 to 50 years while in captivity they can live from 60 to 80 years.
2. To Know the Age
If you want to know the age of an alligator, that is claimed to be a 100 year old creature, then you cannot do that because there are no scientific methods known to date to know the age of a living alligator.
3. Height
There are no alligators that are 20 feet and above and that weigh tons. The longest alligator known to date was caught in Louisiana in 1900 and was 19 feet 2 inches. The average length of alligator is13 feet.
4. Weight
This reptile is said to have the weight of giants, which is not that true. The average weight of alligators is 600 pounds they can grow more than that.
5. Jaws Opening
While the most people believe that alligators open their mouth from the above jaw. This is not right. The above jaw is extension of skull so it is immovable. The lower jaw moves and so alligators move the lower jaw only they have not yet discovered the mechanism to move their skull!
6. The Tough Skin
The alligator’s skin is very tough. Its armored back is protected by bony plates called scutes. Its skin is the biggest protection it has.
7. Snake Bites
Alligators have no anti-snake bite mechanism in their body, but they remain protected from the toxic snake’s bite only because they have a tough skin which does not let the snake bite it.
8. Are Alligators Edible?
They are edible, their meat can be eaten without any problem, while it is also a myth or a theory that only their tale is edible, not the other meat.
9. Slow Moving
No, alligators are not slow moving animals when they are out of water it is just a common thought.
10. Speed
Out of water speed of alligator is 20 miles per hour. But this speed is for only short distances.