Bees usually known as honey bees are small flying objects with furry bodies. It is the most familiar insect in the world. Honey bees live in groups called colonies and their nests are called hives. The entire environment of a hive remind a scene of a castle or palace where there is a queen and others are the worker who produce honey and serve their queen. When bee flies, it produces a buzzing sound. Bees are said to the second busiest insect in the world; first are ants.
1. Size of a Bee
Usually a honey bee varies from 1.3 to 1.5 inches. It is amazing that how this small creature works this much hard!
2. Scientific terminologies
The scientific name of a bee is Apis mellifera. Their long tongues are parabocis.
3. Class of Bees
Bees belong to a super family which is named as Apoidea.
4. Largest and smallest Bees
Trigona minima is the shortest bee of the world; its length is 2.1 mm. megachile poluto is the largest bee; its length is 1.5’’.
5. Speed
Bees are comparatively slower than other flying insects. They fly at the speed of 15 miles per hour; seems fast to us though! They flap their wings for 12000 times a second.
6. Colonies of Bees
Their live almost 60,000 bees in a colony; each colony has hives and every hive has a queen and other male and female members. Male bees are known as drones. The members of a colony and hive are categorized as nurses, guards and queens. The jobs to the bees in each hive are assigned by the queen; and the job of guard bees is to just guard the queen and the hive.
7. Honey production
A single bee produces the amount of 12th part of a teaspoon only in its entire life because average life of a bee is one season usually.
8. Bee dance
It is very interesting that honey bees dance when they have to communicate or indicate the direction and distance of food. They use their natural instincts to find the direction of food. Their actions to communicate to each other seem like they are dancing.
9. Only insect
Honey bee is the only insect that produced food that is eatable for men.
10. Member identification
Each hive and each bee in a hive has a unique odor so that the hive and the members can be identified.