A human body is combination of different body parts. When these parts join together they make a human body. It consists of internal and external organs. Major internal organs are heart, brain, stomach and intestines whereas major external organs are scalp, eyes, nose, hands, feet, arms and legs. A human body is said to be the most complex thing on earth which is very difficult to understand and highly difficult to cure. At the same time it is simple because, for the purpose of proper working, it requires really simple input (food and water) only three times a day! Because of these and some other features, a human’s body has been the center of interest for centuries and still its exploration is on its way…
1. Study of human body and its history
The science of studying human body is known as “Human Anatomy” which was first recognized in 17th century and now medical studies is incomplete without it. It consists of studying and analyzing that how a body works and what are its functions etc.
2. Most important unit
Cell is the most important unit of human body. An example of a building and brick can be taken to understand the importance of cells. As a building is made up of several small bricks, similarly a human body is made up several small cells where each cell has its own importance.
3. Bones, muscles and ribs
There are 206 bones, 24 ribs (12 on each side i.e. left and right) and about 650 to 850 muscles in a human body. There are three categories of muscles i.e. cardiac, skeletal and smooth.
4. Some common misconceptions about human body
One of the misconception is that you can catch cold if you do not take care of your body specially in winter, but actually, if your body has lower resistance against infection you can catch cold even under perfectly controlled environment. It is common myth that hair and nails continue to grow after death! But actually it does not happen. Similarly every part of our tongue can taste every type of taste etc.
5. Mysterious creation
Human body can be said as most mysterious and amazing creation of God because it has the power of self healing and no matter how much bad our intake is..it still has the ability of survival. Every organ is attached to another by just small thread like muscles.
6. Religious beliefs and human body
Different religions have different criteria about the disposition of human body after death. In Islam, Christianity and some other religions it is buried in land. In Hinduism it is set on fire. In few other religions it is just left for birds as their food
7. Darwin’s theory and human body
Darwin’s theory is said to be the theory of evolution in which he said that human body has passed many stages before being today’s “human being”. He said first humans were monkeys and today’s human body is ascending of human from the lower creatures.
8. Basic necessities
Proper food and water are two basic necessities of human body. Sunlight is also important. But science says that a human can live for 40 days without food and from 7 to 10 days without water.
9. Foot – The joining point
Every vain of our entire body meets at the soul of each of our foot. That’s why for relaxation purpose foot massage is best.
10. Sleep and the human body
Our body grows taller for about 0.3 to 0.5 inches every time we sleep. This is because our muscles get stretched when we lie down.