Tobacco use is very common in the world now. Despite of its dangers to health, people use it with ease. There are a huge number of young and old people who smoke tobacco in form of cigarettes despite of many health campaigns. They are running regularly to convey the dangers to health because of tobacco and how snatches life away from tobacco users is slowly and steadily.
1. Claiming lives
In United States alone, cigarettes claim 5.5 million years of potential life lost in United States. Each year, 1 out of 5 lives losses are due to cigarette smoking.
2. The high school students
At least 19 % of the high school students in United States are reported as cigarette smokers. Though this percentage has gone down with time and efforts but 19% still smoke tobacco.
3. Smokeless tobacco consumption
In high school alone, there war found 11 % students who use smokeless tobacco in form of chewing, snuff or dip. They use it without knowing that it is as harmful to health as any other form of tobacco for that matter.
4. Cigar smokers
Among the high school class only, 14 percent students are those who smoke cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars. This makes the proportion of tobacco users more than alarming in high schools.
5. Immediate health issues
When young people smoke they are immediately found battling against bad health condition including respiratory and non respiratory effects, addiction of nicotine and associated risks of other drug usage.
6. Lung cancer
Smoking when started at an early age increases the risks of getting the lung cancer. This risk continues to the smoker till he does not give up smoking. Other diseases include, heart diseases and cancer of mouth, pharynx etc. in short, the smoker is prone to every dangerous disease.
7. Smokeless tobacco
The smokeless form of tobacco is also extremely dangerous to health because it contains potential of mouth cancer, pharynx caner, gum recession, and stoke etc. it also is one of the major causes of heart diseases.
8. The nicotine addiction
Several studies have revealed that the young people who start smoking at young age become nicotine addicted and this addiction later one converts into other addictions. The withdrawal of tobacco is not that easy for the addicted people. That’s why many try to withdraw its use but do not succeed.
9. Cigarette companies spending
The sad part of the story is that cigarette companies advertise expensively for this deadly product. In 2003 alone these companies spent 15.2 billion dollars on promotional activities. Despite of declaring smoking as illegal, these companies are earning from these advertisements
10. Second hand smokers
In world, around 10 to 11 billion youth of age 12-18 live with one smoker in house. These smokers inspire around 6 billion of these youth to start smoking.