There is no other insect that get as much publicity as the spider has gotten, he reason being the spider man. This character was created probably keeping in view the amazing characteristics a spider has. They are poisonous and they are the great predators, but the best thing in them is their construction power. They construct webs, that are strong and flexible and are placed in the wonders of the nature because of their extremely accurate and great building. The amazing thing is that the threads of the webs are the creation of spiders themselves. Below are given some more facts about spiders.
1. Another Greece Name
The spiders have another Greece name which is famous for a legendry story associated with it. It is said that there used to be a girl in ancient Greece whose names was arachne, she was master of weaving, the goddess Athena got jealous of her and turned her into a spider, hence spider got its name arachnids.
2. Ballooning
Some people say spiders fly to reach a far point, but it’s actually the ballooning that helps them to do so. They raise their abdomen and spite the thread to catch the breeze; hence they fly with that thread in the air.
3. The Strength Of The Web
How strong the web could be can be imagined because a silk web of a small spider can even stop the huge Boeing plane. It is because the web is very flexible and can even stop a plane.
4. Invisibility Power
The baby spiders have this power. Baby spiders when born are delicate and they can be easy prey for other insects. When they are born they have no skin color which makes them invisible.
5. For Cloth Making
In 1700s, the silk of spiders used to use for making gloves and socks, but it took 1.3 billion cocoons to get only 2 pounds of silk.
6. Spider Bite
If you think a spider will bite you and you will become his man, then read this fact: spiders seldom bite that too if provoked.
7. Web Size
Do not think that a spider cannot create web bigger than a few inches, if you think so, you are wrong, spiders can make web as big as 18 feet.
8. Catching Food
Not all spiders need their webs to catch prey; some of the jumping spiders do it using their front large legs using their excellent vision.
9. Edible
No, not everywhere spiders are eaten but in some African clans, spiders are eaten. Big spiders are caught and then roasted on fire and then eaten.
10. Eating Old Webs
Spiders eat old webs, not because they satisfy their hunger, but because in this way they can save their time and energy, they eat old webs and leave only one thread. These web silks are full of protein.