Appearance of beluga whale is different from all other whales. It has white color and the head of this whale is globular. It is a social animal and considered as the most vocal whale of all whale species. It is a close relative of Narwhal. Here are some interesting facts about this whale.
- Food: Like others, beluga whale is carnivorous in nature and it feeds on tuna fish, seal and other fishes. However, in rare cases it can attack on human also.
- Habitat: It is found in temperate water, mostly in Scandinavian countries. It is also found near Greece and Patagonia.
- Reproduction: Belugas mate after twenty years. The gestation period is only one month and young ones are born in group of seven to eight, which are called as Piddlins.
- Population: There are nearly 17 million Beluga whales in the world. They are not threatened and are considered as flourishing specie. The bitter taste of beluga meat is a big cause of its survival.
- Social life: Male members of the species are solitary, while females and young ones live in large groups. The leader of this group is the female who nurses all the young one of the group. She can eat the disobedient young ones.