There are different species of own in the world and barn owls are one of the most famous ones. They are different than the common owl species and unlike common owls they screech. Here are some common facts about barn owl.
- Food: food of barn owl mainly consists of mice, shrews and voles. It eats the whole animals or swallows them in large pieces. After that it regurgitates indigestible parts.
- Appearance: Unlike common owl, their legs are really long. Not just the legs but toes and talons are also long, which give them a different look. These long legs help them to catch hidden pray.
- Hearing ability: Like other owls, barn owls also hunt at night and they have very good eyesight. However, their sense of hearing is also extra ordinary as they can find their pray even in dark. One ear of owl is located higher than the other. Left ear captures sound and right ear focus on sounds from above.
- Hunting: A barn owl hunts 4 mammals in a single night and they eat nearly 1,500 mammals in the whole year.
- Camouflage: The skin of owl provides it a good camouflage from the predators, as it is lighter in color we if see it from below and dark in color when seen from above.