Narwhal is a medium sized whale, which is toothed whale. It is found in the Arctic Ocean. These whales are migrating whales and are found in Canada and Greenland. These whales are slow swimmers but if a predator is chasing a Narwhal, it swims really fast. Here are some interesting facts about Narwhal facts.
- Appearance: The color of Narwhal infants is grey to grayish brown. In adults there are patches of white color and the pattern changes with the age. Females are slightly lighter in weight, while males are heavier at maturity.
- Length: Male are larger as compared to females. Females are around 400 cm in length, while males are slightly less than 500 cm at maturity.
- Teeth: Narwhale males have a characteristic left front tooth extending nearly 8 feet. The length of tooth varies with age. Female tusks are shorter as compared to male tusks.
- Diet: These fish consume anything available in the cold waters of Arctic. Narwhales eat squid, fish and shrimps.
- Population: As compared to other fish verities Narwhale has a fine number of members. The population of Narwhale is nearly 50,000. However, the habitat distraction is leading this whale species towards distinction.