Orca whale is also called as killer whale. This whale belongs to dolphin family. Orca whales are apex predators, as there is no natural predator for them. They are found in all regions of the world. Here are some facts about these whales.
1. Habitat
Unlike other verities of whale, which live in specific waters, killer whales are found in all the seas of world. From frozen waters of Arctic and Antarctic regions to the warm waters of tropics, they are present in all oceans.
2. Diet
They have diverse diet, while some species have specific diet. Fish, sea lions, seals and other marine mammals are included in their diet. Orca whale can hunt other whales as well.
3. Social behavior
Orca whales are very social and live in large groups. They communicate with the members of their group by producing special vocals. Their specific hunting techniques pass from one generation to other.
4. Life cycle
Killer whales get maturity at the age of 15 years. Gestation period last from 15 to 18 months and a female whale give birth to one offspring after 5 years. New ones born usually in winter season, however, birth can occur at any time of year.
5. A unique characteristics
Killer whales are unique cetacean as their head become shorter as they get older. This attitude in not observed in any other cetacean.