Dog is known as a faithful animal. It is kept as pet in homes. It is used as a spy in military and police departments. Dog competitions are held all over the world and many people took interest in these competitions. German shepherd is a famous verity of dog, which is very graceful and good looking. Here, we are mentioning some facts about German shepherd.
1. Capabilities
As compared to other dogs German shepherd has many abilities. It can perform many tasks. You can keep it as a working dog and he will accompany you as a sport dog. It can perform well in dog shows and you can also keep it as a beautiful pet.
2. Size
German shepherds are usually large size dogs and many people keep them as pets just for the sake of their good looks.
3. Military uses
These dogs are used in military and police departments. They work as spy for their officers. They are also used in case of accidents as they can smell buried bodies.
4. Types of coats
German shepherds are available in three verities of coat, i.e. the double layered coat, the plush coat and long haired coast.
5. Puppies
German shepherd puppy is one of the cutest puppies. It’s rough coat and expressive eyes make it an adorable animal.