Chicken is the domesticated fowl, which is common all over the world. Human keep them for meat and eggs. In some African and Asian countries cock fighting is also common. Chicken is a bird but not capable for long distance flight. They are social birds, which are very clean naturally but enjoy dust bath. Here, we are mentioning some facts about chickens.
1: Population
Population of chicken is more than any other domesticated bird. There are billions of chickens in this world. There are at least more than hundred breeds and variations of chicken.
2: Heart Beat
Every animal has different rate of heart beat. Heart of chicken beats at the rate of 280 to 315 beats per minutes, which is more than many animals.
3: Food
Chickens are omnivores. They eat grains, seeds, fruits, insects and all kinds of vegetation. They scratch soil to find seeds and insects. They also eat girt, which help them in the digestion of food.
4: Colored Eggs
The color of chicken’s egg is white, however some breeds lay colored eggs. Ameraucana and Araucana lay green and blue eggs, respectively.
5: Fear of Chickens
We all have fear of certain things. Some people have fear of chicken, although, it’s not common. These people are called Alektorophobic.