Common Snapping turtle is one of the largest freshwater turtles. It belongs to the family Chelydridae. It can be found in Canada, United States and Mexico. Their beak-like jaws are their identification mark and their head and neck are very mobile. Here, we are mentioning some interesting facts about Snapping turtle.
1: Name
They are called Snapping, due to the movements of their head and neck, which resembles with snake. Their head is quite flexible as compared to the other turtle species.
2: Life in water
These turtles are aquatic and can spend around 3 to 4 hours in water. During their stay in water, they stretch their neck, only for occasional breathing. Female turtle comes out for egg laying. Sometimes they are seen enjoying the sun also.
3: Physical appearance
Head of this turtle verity is very large, and legs are muscular. Claws are very long and tail is also extended. We can see them in brown, olive and black colors. Their weight is around 10 kilograms.
4: Aggressive
Snapping turtles exhibit different behavior inside the water and on land. When confronted inside the water they slip quietly, while outside the water they are very aggressive.
5: Food
Snapping turtles are omnivores; they feed on plants and animals. A verity of snapping turtle, called alligator turtle are carnivores, which feed on dead fish, snakes and small alligators.