Bobcat is the mammal of cat family, which lives in North America. Size of this cat is double, as compared to our house cat. It has vast habitat, as it can survive in woods, semi desert areas and swamplands. It has twelve sub species. Here we are discussing some interesting facts about this cat.
1: Appearance
Coat of bobcat is brownish gray and it has dark strips on it. Its ears are black tipped and pointed. Strips on the body help the animal to avoid the danger.
2: A great walker
Bobcat walks around 6 miles in a day. Its activity time changes according to the time of pray availability, in summers it is active during night while in winter months its activity shifts in the day.
3: Roar
Roar of bobcat is very deep and rough. Sometimes it is so load that it appears as the growl of mountain lion.
4: Sense of smell
Unlike other member of cat family, bobcat has poor sense of smell. It cannot smell the danger and pray accurately.
5: Conscious against danger
If bobcat feels danger in the surrounding, it stays at its home place for many days, until the danger is over. This shows its ability that it can live without eating for many days.